

“Thank you for inspiring me and guiding me through the divorce process. After many delays, we finally came to a conclusion during mediation last week. Our first mediation was almost a full year ago and I truly felt like a different person this time. It was just like a business meeting with no emotions weighing on me. Which was the perfect mindset you had shared – to think of it as a business and that we are simply breaking a contract.

Anyway, I’m emotionally 20 pounds lighter now and so grateful to be on the other side. I’m so lucky to have found you, and I hope you continue inspiring so many women like me.”

E., Texas


I firmly believe that every woman considering divorce needs to be educated by Victoria. Her 5 Day Outsmart the Narcissist course should be taken PRIOR to filing if possible. Through Victoria’s teachings, I realize how ill prepared I currently am to take on the beast of a divorce. I NOW know what it will take to set myself free someday. She has knowledge of the worst case and best case scenarios in the field. I was thankful that each Zoom session was recorded in case I could not go live on the call. I almost declined the opportunity to participate in the program because I feared the time commitment and lack of solitude I have as a Stay at Home Mom to a toddler. I am hopeful that Victoria’s recommended “Morning and Evening Rituals” will make me a stronger woman. Deep down, my mindset needs to change in order for me to ever change my situation. Thanks to Victoria, I’m making myself a priority and I’m getting my head on straight.

D, Nashville


“Before the coaching program, I faced three big challenges: feeling lost and confused, lacking someone to discuss strategies with, and struggling to maintain peace of mind. This led to sleepless nights, anxiety, and impatience. Since the program, I’ve become more confident and assertive, even though we stopped working together. Others notice my independence, which intimidates some. I’d recommend Victoria for her comforting support, personalized attention, and understanding, especially for international clients.”

W, London


“You are truly a God’s send. You are the perfect blend of a lawyer and divorce coach that we need. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.”

B, Jersey City, NJ


“I really do appreciate all of your help and support. It’s really made a difference in my ability to know/understand what my next steps need to be… and actually be held accountable to take them.”



“I just want to say how incredible Victoria is! She is so kind and caring with true wisdom backing anything she has to say. I am so happy to have crossed paths with her. She’s been incredibly supportive to me.”

M, New York


Signing up with Victoria was the best thing I could have done. I was completely overwhelmed when I started, but Victoria managed to break everything down for me into manageable pieces. She helped me weed through my financial situation so I was armed with crucial information. She offered great advice for dealing with difficult co-parenting situations. And she was invaluable in helping me communicate to my lawyers and actually saved me considerable amounts in legal fees. Her program gave me the guidance I needed to get through a very difficult situation. I just wish I had found it sooner!” 

C, New York


Victoria’s guidance has been incredibly helpful to me in my divorce. We communicate daily and privately through a number of different tools. I invested in her highest level of service (I’m glad I did) — which provides me constant consultation, advice, a game plan of action for every awful thing I’m dealing with, every step of the way. She helps with plans for returning to the workforce, guidance with correspondence, finances, mental, physical (yes) and spiritual recovery. And she’s lived it herself.
What sets Victoria apart from other divorce coaching services? Her business is deeply personal to her. Helping clients’ recovery is truly her passion. She understands the personal hell of divorce on every level, and has made it her life mission to help people survive, reinvent, and thrive in their future lives.

I had NO idea how bad divorce could get or what I would be up against in the legal process. Without question, this is the best money I’ve spent to date. Trust me, distance has nothing to do with the quality of help you will receive.” 

K, Indiana


What will guide you through a painful, seemingly endless divorce is a clear, unemotional vision, compassionate words of wisdom, an iron clad core of strength and a sense of humor that will remind you in the depths of your struggle, that there is absolutely comedy in every tragedy.
Without question, Victoria is this unwavering beacon of the light at the end of the tunnel. Her clarity, solid knowledge and optimistic life plan will lift the weight of the divorce world off your shoulders. No one can or should go this road alone and remember asking for help is the first step to healing.”

J, California


“I have been using Ms McCooey’s advice since my custody battle with my daughter’s father about 2 years ago and I can definitely attest that this works more than I ever dreamed it would. Her videos truly pulled me from a point where I felt completely helpless to a place where my co parent now is unable to affect me and knows that the only communication he will get from me is in regards to our child and I only respond when the topic is necessary.”

A, Illinois.


“Victoria—-I am so happy to be at this point. I know there will be many ups and downs. I do not know how long it will last. I don’t know if I will have to look over my shoulder forever, or if he will eventually leave me alone, but I must do this for myself. How do I thank you? I do not even know. The thought makes a lump in my throat and my eyes fill with tears.
With a most sincere thank you. I will stay in touch.”

H, Washington, D.C.


“With Victoria as my coach, I feel really well supported at a transitional time in my life where I would be feeling alienated and alone. I am really happy with her depth of knowledge specific to abusive relationships, and her great ability to advise me as a result.” 

L, New York


I can honestly say that I have received a far greater return on my investment with Victoria, than with my attorney.  She keeps me focused on what’s really happening, why, and ways to anticipate and plan for the next move in my divorce, and the next phase of my life.  There is value in every call and every message.

If your intuition is telling you something is wrong, there are red flags that you are ignoring, or wondering ‘is it me?’, or if you are already in the process of your separation and would like real guidance, reach out to Victoria.  I wish I had found her sooner!”

C, North Carolina


“Victoria has helped me access a part of myself that I could not do on my own. The decision to leave my 20-year marriage has been a roller coaster ride. Having Victoria there to help navigate the emotional and practical pieces has been invaluable. And I have saved money by doing so much of the legwork prior to hiring my attorney”       

J, California


“Victoria’s whole methodology really helped me turn my perspective around and focus on MY independence (instead of his reactions), life after divorce, and helped me not make costly mistakes with my responses, etc. I feel a HUGE weight lifted from my chest. Not freaked or worried about the future, just preparing for it. I LOVE the gray rock technique, because the less contact with the narcissist, the stronger I get every day. I’m just feeling so positive now.”

W, New York


“Victoria is an exceptional individual and a professional. Not only is she knowledgeable in her field and precise and detail-oriented with her clients, she is extremely compassionate and supportive of each of her clients through a difficult process. As a divorce attorney, I have had the pleasure of working with her and continue to work with her in assisting and guiding clients through one of the most emotional and trying journeys that they will ever take in their lives. Victoria provides the necessary guidance for divorcing clients to effectively address the issues and organize their thoughts prior to them reaching out to their attorneys. She has been a tremendous force for one client in particular to gain the strength to take control of each issue head on, plan for the next steps and present the necessary and material information to me to effectively represent her in her divorce proceeding.

My conversations and meetings with this particular client have been productive because of Victoria’s involvement prior to the client speaking with me. I find Victoria as an integral part of “our” team. Victoria listens to her clients and works diligently to provide the guidance that each of her clients need to minimize the emotional and financial damage and maintain the most optimal circumstances for her clients. She genuinely cares about her clients and will go the extra mile to ensure that each of her clients stay the course and continue to have the strength to overcome any obstacles that may come their way through a very difficult process.”

A, New York


In the few months I have worked with Victoria I have gone from saying “I can’t” to “I can and I will!” She has helped me to get out of my own way and move forward in all aspects of my life, from diet and exercise to my career and financial goals, all the while holding my hand through a very difficult divorce with a narcissist. Her personal experience has been invaluable in helping navigate through the maze and challenges that come with divorcing a controlling narcissist. Even better, her understanding of co-parenting with one has taught me how to diffuse the situation and not fall for the love bombing and gas lighting that occurs and focus on raising my children in a happy and joyful home!”

K, New Jersey

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5 Things Every Woman Needs to Know When Divorcing A Narcissist.

You’ll learn the most common tactics narcissists use during divorce so that you can prepare for and use these behaviors to your advantage.