Take this quiz to learn what you need to do to get in the physical and mental condition required to finish strong.

Divorce is a long and difficult journey. You need to be in top shape to go the distance without running out of energy and focus. Do you want to drag yourself through it on fumes? Do you want to end up agreeing to whatever is offered so you can get it over with because you just don’t have the strength to fight? Do you want to come out on the other side a hot mess?

Or do want to be able to finish strong? Do you want to be able to handle whatever happens along the way? Do you want to come out a winner on the other side? I thought so. Then you need to be in the best possible shape — physically and emotionally. You have to train to be in shape  for this journey, just like an athlete. And just like an athlete, you’ll achieve the greatest results if you use a coach.

So let’s figure out where you are now, then you’ll be able to see the changes you need to make to get you in top divorce shape. Choose the answers that sounds the most like you, then add up the points.


  • I eat a healthy, clean diet of whole foods almost all the time. (3 points)
  • I usually eat pretty well, but I snack on my favorite junk foods when I’m feeling depressed or anxious. (2 points)
  • My diet consists of coffee, diet soda, wine and chocolate. (1 point)


  • I drink at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water every day. (3 points)
  • I drink water sometimes, but nowhere near 8 glasses a day. (2 points)
  • Wine is my new water. (1 point)


  • I workout hard 3-4 times per week and do more moderate exercise on the other days. (3 points)
  • I do yoga or take a long walk a couple times a week. (2 points)
  • Does uncorking a bottle of wine count as exercise? (1 point)


  • I get a full 8 hours of good sleep each night. (3 points)
  • I have trouble falling asleep, but usually get 5 or 6 hours. (2 points)
  • I lie in bed at least 10 hours a day, but there’s very little sleep involved. (1 point)


  • I schedule time each day for at least 20 minutes of meditation. (3 points)
  • I meditate when I can find the time, usually 2 or 3 times a week. (2 points)
  • I tried to meditate once, but I couldn’t get all these thoughts out of my head. (1 point)


  • I do at least one thing to make myself feel pampered every single day. (3 points)
  • I do something for myself once, maybe twice a week. (2 points)
  • Taking care of myself is last on my list. (1 point)

So, what’s your score? Let’s see how you rate:

15-18 Congratulations! You’re doing what it takes to win your divorce in every way possible.

11-14 You’re on the right track, but you need to step it up if you’re going to have your best possible outcome.

6-10 You need to make some serious changes — FAST — or you will be a hot mess by the time you get to the end of your divorce.

If your score is low, your problem may be that you have no one to answer to. You need some accountability to get you and keep you on track. And a divorce coach is exactly the person to do that.

Try making some changes, then in 2-3 weeks, take this quiz again. Your goal should be to fall into the 15-18 range. Good luck!