What Do Diet & Exercise Have To Do With Divorce?

What Do Diet & Exercise Have To Do With Divorce?

Diet and exercise are probably the last things on your mind when you’re facing divorce. But they should be the first. Divorce is one of the most grueling and life-altering experiences many of us will ever go through. Your stomach is constantly in a knot. You tear up...
Are You In Top Divorce Shape? Take This Quiz

Are You In Top Divorce Shape? Take This Quiz

Divorce is a long and difficult journey. You need to be in top shape to go the distance without running out of energy and focus. Do you want to drag yourself through it on fumes? Do you want to end up agreeing to whatever is offered so you can get it over with because...
Acceptance In Divorce: Finally, an End to the Grief!

Acceptance In Divorce: Finally, an End to the Grief!

All month, we’ve been diving into the 5 Stages of Grief. Here’s a recap: DENIAL: This is not happening to me. ANGER: I’m mad as hell that this is happening to me. BARGAINING: I’ll do anything if you stop this from happening to me. DEPRESSION: I can’t deal with the...
Bargaining in Divorce: The Most Unattractive of the 5 Stages of Grief

Bargaining in Divorce: The Most Unattractive of the 5 Stages of Grief

So you’re no longer denying the fact that your marriage is ending (STAGE 1). And you’re deep into being angry as hell about it (STAGE 2). Now you’re ready for the next stage of grief: BARGAINING (STAGE 3). And it’s not pretty. You’re either begging your partner to...
Why Am I So Angry? Anger in Divorce and How to Manage It

Why Am I So Angry? Anger in Divorce and How to Manage It

Why are you so angry? Remember when you were dating, and your boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with you? Do you remember how incredibly painful that was and how angry you got? Well multiply that by 100 times infinity. Because that’s what divorce feels like. This is the...