No one plans to get divorced. No one walks down the aisle thinking, “One day, I’m going to divorce this man.” Instead, you dream about growing old together, having grandchildren together, being buried next to each other.

Well, all that is different now. And it’s difficult to come to terms with it. Some say it takes as many years to undo a marriage as there were in the marriage. I disagree. With the right mindset and the right tools, you can minimize that time. And that’s what I’m hoping to help you do.

A divorce is like a death. Actually, it is a death: the death of your marriage. And you have to go through all of the same steps you would in any other type of death. I’ve designed a plan to guide you through these steps so that you can move onto the business of getting your divorce without being misguided by residual pain.

Doesn’t that feel better already?