Where was I when I needed me?

I wish I had had a divorce coach when I was going through my divorce. I wish I had had someone to tell me that it was all going to be okay, that everything was going to work out for the best, that my children would ultimately see that they were being played like pawns, that the court would ultimately understand that he was a lying, self-absorbed narcissist. I wish I had had someone to walk me through the process, help me prepare, guide me, hold my hand, reassure me.

But I didn’t. I suffered through so many agonizing years of wondering and worrying about my future, about the emotional well-being of my children, about how I would ever rebind financially.

You don’t have to suffer the way I did. You have me. You can count on me. I will guide you. I will hold your hand. I will work with you to unravel the mystery of your family’s finances. I will reassure you that your children will one day get it. I will help you to stay on the high road and come out on top.

We’ll get through this together.