When I was suffering through my own divorce, I didn’t see a bright side. All I could see was wounded children, a vengeful ex, insurmountable bills, isolation and fear, vacation days spent in courtrooms, guilt and depression.

It wasn’t until many years later that I realized why I had to go through that decade-long court battle complete with litigation surrounding everything from custody and child support to relocation, home appraisal and forensic accountants. It was so that I would be more knowledgeable about more aspects of divorce and be able to help more women who find themselves in the same situation.

I finally understood how to make lemonade out of my lemons. 

I wouldn’t trade those experiences for anything. Every single obstacle I faced made me stronger and better able to support you. All of that negativity has been transformed into a great big positive: a fulfilling career helping women face their own divorce drama and come out even better than before.

I want you to find your lemonade. 

I want you to one day take your experiences from this dark, scary time and realize the positive impact they’ve had on you and those around you. You will be stronger. You will be smarter. You will be a better parent. You will gain new perspective. You will be better equipped to handle unexpected challenges. And you’ll be a better partner to some very lucky person.

Try to keep this in mind as you make your way through the process.

Your lemonade is waiting.